Over the past month I challenged myself to work on several different projects at once including a small batch of experimental mixed media drawings.
As of today, my studio is somewhat of a mess because of the of the amount of experimentation happening all at once. Separated into groups, labeled with mediums lists and recipe instructions to make sure I can do it again and again if needed.
Shown below is “Chewing Gum In The Park” a mixed media drawing on heavy weight paper. This work is one of six being developed simultaneously with deliberate changes to each in order to see how mood differs from piece to piece. After each one is completed, I make alterations to digital versions to see what mood or feeling can be evoked by palette shifts.
Variations of the Original Drawing
Below are two samples of how an adjustment to one of the dominate color ranges in the piece can alter the overall feeling of the artwork and sometimes make the reproduction client — happier.
When I was making the modifications to the samples, I stayed within the general theme of the original piece mainly to keep connected to the point of inspiration which is derived from nature and a memory of walking through Central Park mid-day with a friend in the Spring. I personally prefer the light green version because it starts to look like the flavor of green apple.