As I continue to work on the Chiffon Series I find myself learning new techniques and creating textures I haven’t ever mixed before. Each completed painting brings forth bites of knowledge I then put into the next works…it means the growth of this series has been flowing quite well. The photo below is of the recently completed Blue Chiffon No.7 acrylic on canvas 30×30 in. / 76×76 cm.

Orignial artwork by contemporary fine artist Sara C Richardson

When Artwork Speaks…Or Yells

As I mature artistically I can see that there are going to be instances where a global or umbrella series may have several sub-set series underneath it. The Chiffon Series is an example of a sub series being categorized under a broader series named Abstract Organics. Currently, there are three large 48×48 in. paintings in my studio heading towards completion. The interesting thing about the three is that they are practically yelling at me to give them completely unique names instead of Title Name No.2, No.3, No.8 etc. More to come…the new large works should be completed by mid July.


Do You Have Art Purchasing Questions?

If you are you interested in the Chiffon Series or commissioning a work from the studio please send a message to the studio and we will be happy to help you.